With plain Python, I created a Chess Engine and an AI agent which can play chess using the engine.
My portfolio website created in React with TypeScript and Tailwind UI.
As a part of SIH, I, along with a team of 6, developed a freelancing platform in Next.js with Tailwind UI as a solution to the problem statement by the Punjab Government. The backend is powered by Supabase and the development is still going on.
Conversa is a chat app developed in Kotlin with Firebase as the backend. It is currently in development, and I am working on adding more features to it. It is planned to have features like chatting, voice messages, and calls.
Savant is a community blog developed in Astro and Tailwind UI. The blog is still in development and I am working on adding more features to it.
I led and developed the IEEE CS VITC Club Website in a team of 3. It is written in Astro and Tailwind UI.
I was in the team that developed the website for Bitwars 2.0, a state-level hackathon organized by IEEE CS VITC. The event saw more than 500 participants from all over the state.